Liquid for Motor Run (250ml)

Liquid for Motor Run (250ml)

Liquid for Motor Run (250ml)

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8,90 €

Liquid for Motor Run (250ml)

This liquid allows to run in motors without stress and improving their performance.
It is important to follow the instructions:
To run in the motor it must turn at low voltage for a precise time in the liquid.
The time can change from few minutes only to lubricate a motor which has not been used for a long time
to some hours for new motors. All this changes also according to the motor. Time is subjective, but
we suggest to proceed by steps until you reach a satisfying result.
A battery is needed, or better a power pack, to supply the motor with energy.
You need sufficient amperage for the motor to be run in and a minimum sufficient voltage to make the 
motor turn (about 3 volt).
The motor must be completely dipped in the liquid during the whole run in.
During run in the liquid might become dirty depending on the motor conditions, the liquid must not be
thrown away when it starts getting dark, but filtered to remove the biggest particles.
After many run ins of different motors it is advisable to replace the liquid completely.
The liquid is harmful to one’s health and must be treated with the dued precautions, it must not
wet one’s skin (wash your hands carefully as soon as possible), and must not wet the other parts of 
one’s body (washing will not be sufficient).
Absolutely do not allow children to use this liquid.
Do not place it near flames or other heat sources.
It is better to use low and wide containers which can not overturn.
Before assembling the motor on a slot car be sure it is dry both inside and outside. Ideally drive in 
a motor then use it on a track at a voltage higher than 3 volt after 12 hours so that the liquid has enough 
time to evaporate.


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